Friday, January 6, 2012

Some good news

Yesterday I had such a good day, I ate less and thought all would be well that I would not be vomiting but unfortunately before I went to bed it was all up again.
I slept very well again last night, so today is the day to see my consultant (Rheumatologist).
Just got back from seeing my Rheumatologist and he has decided that I don't need to have any more chemotherapy treatment (even though I am still very breathless and vomiting) and I can also reduce the amount of steroid I am taking as he thinks any medication I am taking is not being absorbed properly because of the vomiting (the oesophageal problem)
I also discuss with him the possibility of having lungs transplant and portable oxygen.
I am now waiting for an appointment to have a CT scan of my lungs and for my consultant to look at the echocardiograph (scan of my lungs) I had done about 3-4 months ago before he will refer me to a lung consultant.
I am feeling very happy at the moment but anxious as in the past when I tried reducing the steroid I just get so breathless (this is my main problem right now).
This is a new day and I am going to rejoice and be glad I am still alive. Thank you Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Hallelujah, I share your joy. Just seeing the heading "some good news" made me shout for joy. God will continue to keep you each day. When you can't see His hand, just trust His heart. I continue to pray for you.

